Investigador AsistenteCONICET / UNQ / ICC.
Profesor AdjuntoDC, FCEyN, UBA.

I am a member of the LoReL team, the Logics and Dynamics of Programming Languages Group of the LIA SINFIN, and the FunLeP group. In 2020, I defended my PhD in Computer Science at DC, FCEyN, UBA. My advisors were Eduardo Bonelli and Delia Kesner. The main topic of my thesis was evaluation strategies in calculi of explicit substitutions at a distance. Most of my PhD was funded by a CONICET grant.

My research interests gravitate towards the lambda calculus and its various manifestations, including rewriting theory, type theory, proof theory, and the foundations and implementation of programming languages and proof-assistants.


Thesis manuscripts

PhD Students

Master's Students



Profesor AdjuntoDC, FCEyN, UBA.
Profesor InstructorUNQ.

The following table summarizes the subjects in which I have been involved:

Semester UBA UNQ
2025(1) PAdj – PLP PI – TC
2024(2) PAdj – PLP PI – PGC
2024(1) PAdj – PLP PI – TC
2023(2) PAdj – PLP PI – PGC
2023(1) PAdj – PLP PI – TC
2022(2) JTP – AyED2 PI – PGC
2022(1) JTP – AyED1 PI – TC
2021(2) JTP – AyED1 PI – PGC
2021(1) JTP – AyED1 PI – TC
2020(2) JTP – AyED2 PI – PGC
2020(1) JTP – AyED2 PI – ED
2019(2) JTP – AyED2 PI – PGC
2019(1) JTP – AyED2 PI – ED
2018(2) JTP – AyED2 PI – PGC
2018(1) JTP – AyED2 PI – ED
2017(2) PI – PGC
2017(1) PI – ED
2016(2) PI – PGC
2016(1) PI – InPr
2015(2) PI – InPr
2015(1) PI – InPr
2014(2) JTP – AyED2 PI – InPr
2014(1) JTP – PLP PI – InPr
2013(2) PI – InPr
2013(1) JTP – AyED2 PI – InPr
2012(2) Ay1 – PLP PI – InPr
2012(1) Ay1 – AyED2 PI – InPr
2011(2) Ay1 – PLP PI – InPr
2011(1) Ay1 – PLP PI – InPr
2010(2) Ay2 – PLP
2010(1) Ay2 – PLP
2009(2) Ay2 – PLP
2009(1) Ay2 – PLP
2008(2) Ay1 – PLP
2008(1) Ay2 – AyED2
2007(2) Ay2 – PLP
2007(1) Ay2 – AyED2
2006(2) Ay2 – AyED2
2006(1) Ay2 – AyED2



Ay2: Ayudante de Segunda.

Ay1: Ayudante de Primera.

JTP: Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos.

PI: Profesor Instructor.

PAdj: Profesor Adjunto.


AyED1: Algoritmos y Estructuras de Datos 1.

AyED2: Algoritmos y Estructuras de Datos 2.

ED: Estructuras de Datos.

InPr: Introducción a la Programación.

PGC: Parseo y Generación de Código.

PLP: Paradigmas de Lenguajes de Programación.

TC: Teoría de la Computación.


I have been involved in the development of PyGobstones (2011–2012) and Gobstones Web (2017–2018). These are free software tools that implement the Gobstones programming language.

The Gobstones programming language was designed by a group of researchers and teachers at the University of Quilmes, lead by Pablo "Fidel" Martínez López, to teach students without any previous exposure to programming.

Reading group

In 2014 and during 2016–2021, I coordinated an informal weekly reading group on the lambda-calculus.


  1. Programming languages
  2. Cómo rompe las palabrasColor Ámbar.
  3. Amadorenbaum company memorial
  4. Qriollo
  5. Pergamina
  6. My sister is a musician.

Pablo Barenbaum <pbarenbaum(at)dc(dot)uba(dot)ar>

GitHub: foones

Bitbucket: foones

Telegram: foones